Weight Management Options

We no longer have a Health & Wellbeing Coach to refer these patients to so please consider the following options:

Tier 2

The Healthy Weight Campaign gives information on these options, patients can be sent links below via quick response from SystmConnect, they then scroll down & click on green button to self-refer (please code as weight management referral on SystmOne to receive payment): https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/42290

Slimming World – free, weekly, in-person group support sessions over 12 weeks

Your Health Norfolk also offers a free weight management service which includes in-person, group support nutrition and exercise sessions over 10 weeks, eligibility is:

  • Anyone Aged 18+ who lives in Norfolk
  • Registered with a GP across Norfolk
  • A BMI equal or greater than 30 or 27.5 and above if you are of the Asian, Black African or African Caribbean community

If you are eligible visit: https://www.yourhealthnorfolk.co.uk

You will not be eligible if:

  • You’re currently pregnant
  • You have attended one of our funded weight management services in the past 12 months
  • You have been a paying member of Slimming World or Your Health Norfolk (weight management sessions) in the past three months

Tier 3

Patients can be referred  for Bariatric Surgery to Oviva under the Right to Choose Scheme and sent via eReferral as long as:

Suitability for referral
Before completing the referral, please confirm the following*:  
– Confirmation that a Tier 2 weight management programme has been offered or completed in the past 2 years, unless not suitable/appropriate (e.g. Weight Watchers, Slimming World, National Digital Weight Management Programme, MyWeightMatters, or similar).  
– That the patient meets the BMI eligibility criteria for your local ICB – noting comorbidities and ethnicity.  
– That you have assessed the patient is ready or motivated to change and that they are fully committed to participating in the Oviva T3 programme.  
– That the patient is medically stable and that they do not require further investigation for an existing or new health condition.
Exclusion Criteria
I confirm the patient does not meet any of the following exclusion criteria*:
– Pregnant or breastfeeding
– Uncontrolled hypertension / heart condition / medical condition preventing increased activity level
– Active or suspected eating disorders, including binge eating disorder
– Bariatric surgery in the past two years
– Unstable or severe mental illness, including suicide attempts in the past 12 months. This may prevent engagement with the behaviour change programme
– Unstable alcohol or drug use (can be referred if the patient has received support and been in recovery for 3 months)
– Unstable hypothyroidism (can be referred if stable)
– Unstable Cushing’s syndrome (can be referred if stable)

Weight loss injections

We do not currently have access to these trials

NHS Digital Weight Management Programme

The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme supports adults living with obesity who also have a diagnosis of diabetes, hypertension or both, to manage their weight and improve their health.

It is a 12-week online behavioural and lifestyle programme that people can access via a smartphone or computer with internet access.

Options if you’re not eligible for these services 

  • Ready to Change: Step-by-step advice on creating a health improvement plan to help you lose weight. It also has advice on how to keep yourself healthy and active.
  • Just One Norfolk: If you’re pregnant, or want information about healthy lifestyle support for children and young people. 
  • NHS Better Health: Whether you want to lose weight, get active or quit smoking, Better Health is here with lots of free tools and support
  • Your Health Norfolk: Offers private funding options for nutrition sessions, exercise sessions, and combined nutrition and exercise sessions.
  • Slimming World: Provides varying membership options including digital online membership.
  • Healthy Weight Service for children and young people
    • Look after your health and grow into a healthy weight with Gro Health, Norfolk’s healthy weight service for young people. Learn all about healthy eating and getting active, and get support with managing mental health and sleep, to help young people move towards a healthy weight.
      Gro Health is available as a digital and face-to-face support programme so you can get support in the way that works best for you!
      To register your interest for Gro Health, visit the Gro Health website or call us on 0330 133 0307.

Active NoW

Improving physical activity levels, patients aged 18+ referred for assessment, menu of activity options. For inactive patients who do less than 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week as well as pts living with LTC whose condition could be managed or improved by being more active. Online referral form or referral form in SystmOne: https://secure.refer-all.net/referrals/ActiveNow/Refer